Buildings heated with fossil fuels (ELHO, LPG) that have not undergone energy renovation in the last 12 years are not compliant with the requirements of the Rules on efficient use of energy in buildings (PURES 3). Poor energy condition of these buildings and their energy systems represents an excessive burden on the environment in terms of CO2 emissions and particulate matter, and also comes with high operating and maintenance cost. In addition, such buildings do not provide optimal living and working conditions.
Complete energy renovation is defined as investments and maintenance for the public benefit, comprising the reconstruction (construction/renovation measures) and technological modernisation (technological investment measures) of existing buildings. In addition to investments, planned measures also include the introduction of an energy management system, as well as organisational and other measures in the sense of implementing energy management of buildings.
Measures for the complete energy renovation of buildings:
- Energy management.
- Façade insulation.
- Replacement of doors and windows.
- Attic insulation.
- Roof replacement.
- Heating system renovation.
- Thermostatic valves.
- Hydraulic balancing.
- Lighting renovation.
- Installation of ventilation and cooling systems.
Call for proposals
The applicant under this call for proposals may be a municipality. The applicant becomes the beneficiary on the date the co-financing agreement is signed.
Under the EU Cohesion Policy, funding is available for co-financing 49% of the eligible costs of the operation (of which 85% comes from the Cohesion Fund and 15% from the Slovenian Cohesion Policy contribution), unless the financial gap calculation determines a lower co-financing rate.
Energy renovation objectives
The planned investment will ensure:
- Better living and working conditions for all building users (employees, students, children, other users);
- Better energy efficiency of the building, which means:
- A reduction of heat losses through building’s external walls (where external wall insulation measures are planned),
- A reduction of heat losses through building’s roof (where roof insulation measures are planned),
- A reduction of heat losses through building’s doors and windows (where replacement of doors and windows is planned),
- The installation of thermostatic valves on radiators will optimise the heating systems in buildings,
- The renovation of boiler rooms or installation of new boilers will optimise the heat production systems, and there will be a switch to an environmentally friendly and more affordable energy source, while the introduction of remote monitoring and management of boiler rooms will ensure their optimal operation and quick repair of any malfunctions,
- Introduction of renewable energy sources in buildings;
- All of these measures will lower energy consumption compared to the current state;
- Savings in energy costs;
- Efficient maintenance and management of energy systems.
Our services:
- Review of the promoter's application.Review of the promoter's application.
- Preparation of investment documentation (DIIP, PIZ, IP).
- Preparation of a PPP viability assessment document.
- Legal advice (in collaboration with an external consultant).
- Preparation of an expanded energy audit.
- Preparation of application for the public call.
- Consulting engineering for optimising the concept.
- Preparation of other necessary documents:
- Methodology for calculating savings;
- Concession contract performance programme;
- A plan for measuring and controlling energy savings and other impacts.
Upgrading building’s technical systems
Co-financing is available for projects of constructing new or upgrading existing central ventilation systems with heat recovery and/or air-conditioning systems (hereinafter referred to as the measure) in buildings which have already undergone energy renovation, but require appropriate upgrades of individual technical systems.
The Recovery and Resilience Facility provides 100% financing of eligible costs up to a maximum of EUR 277.00 per square metre (m2) of net floor area on which the measure will be implemented.
Our services:
- Preparation of investment documentation (DIIP, PIZ, IP).
- Preparation of application for the public call.
- Consulting engineering for optimising the concept.
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We have the experience and expertise to help you achieve impact on all three pillars of sustainability.