Before you undertake an O-LCA or ESG report, we suggest that you carry out or revise the existing energy audit based on the latest actual data.
The energy audit should be based on up-to-date, measured and traceable operational data on the energy consumption of the building, process or transport, and a month-by-month load chart for the past period of at least three years, if required.
The energy audit must include a final report and its presentation to the company, and the company management must decide on further actions for implementing the proposed solutions in part or in full.
An energy audit must include:
- A detailed review of the energy consumption of the building or group of buildings (including an analysis of building’s thermal envelope and energy systems), the technological process or industrial plant, including transport, or transport.
- A full life-cycle cost analysis for the building, process and/or transport, taking into account long-term savings, the residual value of long-term investments and discount rates, if possible.
- A set of possible energy efficiency measures (organisational and investment measures).
- An analysis of energy efficiency measures for improving energy performance, which should include an economic analysis, savings and environmental impacts.
- Economic indicators of the recommended energy efficiency measures (net present value, internal rate of return, payback period).
The detailed calculations made as part of the energy audit should provide the company with information on possible measures, energy cost savings and payback periods for investments in measures.
Our services:
- Energy audit of the company carried out in collaboration with a partner organisation.
- Co-financing of up to 50% of the eligible costs is available for energy audits.
- Assistance in preparing and submitting your application.
Iščete partnerja za pripravo trajnostnega poročila v skladu z CSRD in ESRS?
Nudimo celovito podporo pri trajnostnem poročanju v regulativnem okviru direktive o korporativnem poročanju o trajnosti (CSRD) v skladu z evropskimi standardi za trajnostno poročanje (ESRS), za MSPje in velika podjetja.