Companies usually develop business plans when making an investment, especially when they are required by the bank. However, they rarely prepare business plans for their own needs. The same goes for annual plans. Many companies do not make annual plans. Some think there is no need, others find it a waste of time. However, for companies with a 100-year history, the annual plan is the basis for forecasting and monitoring performance. Plans are prepared on a monthly or quarterly basis.
Business plans
- Sales plan: The annual plan starts with the sales plan, which is executed by the sales function. It is based on the data and sales forecasts provided by customers and clients. Post-calculations are made and new price lists are prepared. In addition to the sales plan, an annual media plan is also drawn up.
- Production and new product development plan: A production plan is drawn up based on the sales plan. Potential new investments and production optimisation needs are defined. The costs of developing new products and starting their production are also taken into account.
- Staffing plan: Based on the annual production plan and existing workforce capacity, business function heads identify the need for new hires.
- Investment plan: The value of the required investments, their return and payback period are estimated. Investments must be sustainable.
- Financial plan: The company's inflows (monthly or quarterly) are calculated based on the revenue estimate from the sales plan, any planned subsidies to be received, and short-term and long-term borrowings. On the other hand, the expected outflows are calculated by forecasting existing and new jobs, the cost of materials, services, interest, principal payments, etc. Inflation forecasts and the macroeconomic plans for each activity must also be taken into account.
- Business plan: By combining all 5 plans, a comprehensive company plan for the following year is prepared. Plans are usually prepared in November for the following year. All relevant business function heads are involved in the planning.
Our services:
- Consultancy on the preparation of a sales plan (sales forecasts, media plan).
- Consultancy on the preparation of a staffing plan.
- Consultancy on the preparation of an investment plan.
- Consultancy on the preparation of a financial plan.
- Assistance in the preparation of company's annual plans.
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